C9 Hotelworks Releases Jakarta Hotel Update
Despite Jakarta hotels hosting more than 13 million hotel guests last year, the market continues to be a highly domestic affair. The Indonesian segment accounted for 86% of guests at star-rated properties.
In terms of international markets, Mainland China topped the table and has maintained that position since 2015, with a 9% CAGR for that period. Other top 5 geographic sources in order were Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and Saudia Arabia.
Looking at the incoming pipeline, a new generation of luxury hotels with brands such as Park Hyatt, St. Regis, Walforf Astoria, Regent, W, Langham and Sofitel So are upcoming.
For the hospitality sector, the question remains can the new global entries, coupled with improvement in transportation infrastructure create a broader overseas appeal for the Indonesian gateway metropolis?
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