WHITE BRONCO SYNDROME Is Tiger Woods Headed to Phuket?
In a media feeding frenzy that might be numerated in something similar to the News Years countdown in the global tabloids, numbers are now spinning out of control with an alleged 11 lovers claiming to have soirees with the world's most famous sporting figure. Latest on the last is a X rated actress who stared in the straight to video “Porn Star Brides, a lingerie model, yet to be named television personality and of course my personal favorite the pancake waitress who fancied parking lot sex.
Times are indeed a changing and not since that fateful day when BREAKING NEWS came on with the white bronco driven by a fleeing O J Simpson has the merging of tabloid and real news into some organic blend of reality real or imagined. Perhaps Tiger needs to head to Phuket to rewind, reflect and reinvent, he wouldn't be the first to land on these sunny shores with that ambition.