Buzz Word Bingo Results Just In
Summer is over and as the global recession seems to be cooling in buzzword bingo land terms such as 'staycation' might have to run their course. One BWB (file this one under cool sounding buzz terms) is 'Edutainment.'
Despite being a fairly well traveled guy I have to admit this one was entirely new to me so of course I turned to the all knowing and yes equally controversial resource Wikipedia to find out more. As published the term is:
Edutainment (also educational entertainment or entertainment-education) is a form of entertainment designed to educate as well as to amuse. Edutainment typically seeks to instruct or socialize its audience by embedding lessons in some familiar form of entertainment: television programs, computer and video games, films, music, websites, multimedia software, etc..
It's interesting to note that the term was used as early as 1948 by the Walt Disney Company. So for all of you hotel sales and marketing people looking to spice up your marketing plan's with some pizzazz here's a word that will strike a bit awe into your presentations.